sexta-feira, 17 de março de 2023

JOGO Present Continuous and Past Continuous

Caro leitor, 

No arquivo abaixo você encontrará um PDF com palavras para serem recortadas e utilizadas em montagens de frases no Present Continuous e no Past Continuous.

A sugestão é que seja impressa uma cópia para cada grupo de  4 ou 5 pessoas.

Este material pode ser impresso em papel mais firme e passado um plástico contact (ou impresso em papel de foto), a fim de ficar mais resistente e agregar o material didático do professor de Inglês.

Bons estudos!!!

JOGO Present Continuous and Past Continuous








                      SIMPLE PRESENT

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2022



Name: _____________________________________________________________________

1) Mark the correct option

a) There is / There are is a good show on TV tonight.

b) There is / There are  nothing wrong with her, is there / are there?

c) Is there / Are there any more soup?

d) There is / There are  too many people looking for a job.

e) How many players is there / are there in a basketball team?

f) Are there / is there anyone around?

g) There is / There are two patients in the waiting room.

h) There is / There are many students in the playgrounds.

i) There is / There are a letter for you.

j) There is / There are many green areas downtown.

2) Complete the sentences with words from the bubble.Caixa de Texto: 22 kids – lots of parks – anyone – a football game – plenty of books – a lot of shows – much food – a bank

a) There are ___________________ for you to read.

b) Is there ___________________ from Brazil?

c)  There is __________________ at 4. Whouk you like to come with us?

d) There are __________________ in Jane’s class.

e) There isn’t _________________ to eat, is there?

f)  Is there __________________ near the Hotel? I need to exchange some money.

g) There are _________________ on TV tonight?

h) There are _________________ in London.


3) Now complete the dialogue with the Simple Present of the verb “there to be”.

a) John, how many people _________________________ in your family?

b) Let me see … My father, mu mom…5! ___________________5 people in my family.

c) ________________ a kindergarten in your neighbourhood?

d) Yes, ___________________. ___________________ any seats lefs in the waiting room? I’m tired. I need to sit down.

e) Hum… I’m afraid __________________ any seats left.

f) But we can go outside. __________________ a bench next to the cafeteria.

g) Let me see first if _____________________ many people ahead of us. I want to be here when the doctor calls me.


4) Build sentences from these prompts.

a) There not to be / many stars / in the sky.__________________________________________________________

b) There to be / many students / in your class? _______________________________________________________

c) There to be /  no one from Portugal / here. ________________________________________________________

d) How many kids / there to be / in your school? _____________________________________________________

e) There to be / a concert / on Friday. ______________________________________________________________

f) There not to be / lots of toys / in the room. _________________________________________________________

g) There not to be / any space left. _________________________________________________________________

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022

Numbers and Hours



1. List the columns. (Enumere as colunas)

1. It’s three o’clock.

2. It’s eight fifteen.

3. It’s ten thirty.

4. It’s four fifty-five.

5. It’s nine twenty-five.

6. It’s one fifty-eight.

7. It’s eight five.

8. It’s twelve thirty-five.

9. It’s six twenty.

10. It’s ten o’clock.

(     ) 8:05

(     ) 8:15

(     ) 6:20

(     ) 3:00

(     ) 1:58

(     ) 10:30

(     ) 4:55

(     ) 10:00

(     ) 12:35

(     ) 9:25


2) What time is it? White in numbers. (Que horas são? Escreva em números).

a) It’s seven thirty ___________________

b) It’s nine fifty-five__________________

c) It’s one ten ______________________

d) It’s three twenty-four ______________

e) It’s eleven o’clock. __________________

f) It’s twelve ten _____________________

g) It’s four o’clock ____________________

h) It’s five forty ______________________


3) What’s the time? Draw. (Qual é a hora? Desenhe.)

                 It’s eleven o’clock.                   It’s six thirty.                          It’s ten fifteen.

Abaixo tem o link com um joguinho ótimo para ajudar na memorização dos números em inglês.




7 - 2 - 9 - 1 - 6 - 3 - 4 - 10 - 8 - 5


a) 7:30    

b) 9:55 

c) 1:10

d) 3:24

e) 11:00

f) 12:10

g) 4:00

h) 5:40


11:00        6:30          10:15

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2022



1) Preencha as lacunas abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses, seguindo as regras gramaticais do Simple Present. As frases abaixo descrevem Tom’s father routine.


a) Tom’s father ____________________ (to work) in Rome.

b) His office _____________________(to be) in big building.

c) Every morning he ____________________(to get up) at six o’clock.

d) He _________________________(to wash) his face in cold water.

e) He _______________________(to eat) eggs and toasts for breakfast.

f) He ________________________(to drink) apple juice for breakfast.

g) He _______________________(to put on) his jeans and jacket.

h) Then he ___________________(to run) to the railway station.

i) He always _________________ (to take) his umbrela.

j) He _____________________(to buy) a newpaper and _____________(to read) it on the train.

k) In the evening he ___________________(to come) back home at five o’clock.

l) After dinner he usualy ____________________(to watch) television.

m) He never __________________(to go) to the cinema.


2) Preencha as lacunas abaixo  com os verbos no simple presente, fazendo as adequações quando for 3ª pessoa.


 Fly – cry – finish – eat – live – drink – go – speak – play – like


a) He _________________chips for dinner.

b) I ________________coffe three times a day.

c) She ________________ to Paris once a year.

d) We ____________________Italian and English.

e) They __________________ in Canada.

f) I ___________________to school every day.

g) My dad __________________work at seven o’clock.

h) We ___________________tennis evey weekend.

i) My friend ___________________old films.

j) The baby _____________________all the day.









a) works

b) is

c) gets up

d) washes

e) eats

f) drinks

g) puts on

h) runs

i) takes

j) buys / reads

k) comes

l) watches

m) goes




a) eats

b) drink

c) flies

d) speak

e) live

f) go

g) finishes

h) play

i) likes

j) cries

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2020

Simple Future - Uso do Will

( EF08LI14 Utilizar formas verbais do futuro para descrever planos e expectativas e fazer previsões.) 

Verbos no Futuro

Você já sabe que, se quiser falar sobre seus planos em inglês, deve usar o tempo verbal do futuro, certo? Então, hoje, vamos mostrar as diferenças entre os diferentes jeitos de falar do futuro em inglês para ajudar você a dizer exatamente o que quer ao montar uma frase no futuro.
Vamos começar com will. Ele é o elemento principal do futuro simples em inglês. Usamos esse tempo verbal para decisões incertas, resolvidas na hora de falar, ou seja, pouco planejadas. São mais previsões ou esperanças em relação ao futuro.

She WILL BE happy with her new clothes.
(Ela VAI FICAR feliz com as roupas novas dela.)

I think he WILL GO with us.
(Acho que ele VAI com a gente.)

Agora, tente fazer as ACTIVITIES. Boa Sorte!!

1º) Com a ajuda de um tradutor, faça a tradução deste texto no caderno

My plans for the future

I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

1) No texto que você traduziu acima,  temos muitos exemplos de verbos no futuro. Traduza esses verbos tirados do texto.

a) I Will work - trabalharei
b) I Will be -
c) I Will help -
d) I Will have -
e) I Will Love -

2) Agora traduza as frases e observe os verbos no futuro.

a) I will stay here today.
b) We will love it.
c) The boy will visit his mother.
d) You will be in the Facebook.
e) I will always believe it.
f) Brazil will win a World Cup.
g) They will see it tomorrow.
h) The dog will stay here today.
i) She will study.


Você poderá gostar também de  Numbers and Hours 

segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2020

Plural dos substantivos - Parte 1 - Atividades

Explicação deste conteúdo AQUI.


1) Passe as palavras abaixo para o plural (tente fazer sem olhar as regras do caderno)

Eraser -
Patriatch -
Car -
Book -
Brush -
Notebook -
Tomato -
Boy -
Glass -

2) Escreva a traduza as palavras abaixo.

Monarch -
Kisses -
Watches -
Piano -
Box -
Kilo -
Stomach -
Photo -


v Nos substantivos em inglês, o plural possui como regra a adição de “S”. Confira:
– Book (livro) – books (livros)
– Car (carro) – cars (carros)
– Boy (garoto) – boys (garotos)
– Eraser (borracha) – erasers (borrachas)
– Notebook – notebooks
– Table (mesa) – tables (mesas)

v Casos com terminações ‘S’, ‘Sh’, ‘Ch’, ‘X’, ‘Z’ , ‘O’
Além dessas situações, encontramos ainda outra: para os substantivos terminados em “s”, “sh”, “ch”, “x”, “z” e “o” no plural acrescenta-se “ES”.
Glass (vidro) – glasses (vidros)
Kiss (beijo) – kisses (beijos)
Brush (escova) – brushes (escovas)
Beach (praia) – beaches (praias)
Watch (relógio) – watches (relógios)
Tomato (tomate) – tomatoes (tomates)
Box (caixa) – boxes (caixas)

Mas nessa regra há algumas EXCEÇÕES. Veja:

Stomach (estômago) – stomachs (estômagos)
Piano (piano) – pianos (pianos)
Photo (foto) – photos (fotos)
Patriatch (patriarca) – patriarchs (patriarcas)
Kilo (quilo) – kilos (quilos)
Monarch (monarquia) – monarch(monarquias)

Para essa aula, assistir até o minuto 1:33

Quiz sobre Months of year

Teste seus conhecimentos sobre Meses do Ano

Boa sorte.



quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2020


(EF09LI14) Utilizar conectores indicadores de adição, condição, oposição, contraste, conclusão e síntese como auxiliares na construção da argumentação e intencionalidade discursiva.
Os CONECTIVOS usados em Inglês flashcards on Tinycards

Hoje vamos conhecer algumas palavrinhas que são muito importantes no texto.São os chamados conectivos ou marcadores discursivos. São termos utilizados para ligar orações e idéias, indicando como elas se relacionam. Vamos a alguns exemplos.

although – embora
moreover – além disso
so - então
then – depois
for example – por exemplo
in short - resumindo
but in reality – mas na verdade
similarly – da mesma forma

Vamos treinar?
1) Com a ajuda de um tradutor, traduza as frases abaixo.

a) She left the house, ALTHOUGH she knew that it was dangerous. (contraste)

b) I do not want to go out. MOREOVER i'm broke. (adição)

c) He likes to cook, SO he must be a good cook. (causa e consequência)

d) You have a lot of task. THEN you're going to do it.  (tempo)

e) I like several colors. For example, blue, red and yellow. (exemplificação)

f) IN SHORT, we need to work hard.(conclusão)

g) Mom said she didn't know how to sew. BUT IN REALITY she sewed well. (ênfase)

h) Women need to take care of their children. SIMILARLY, husbands also need it.

Depois posto o gabarito.